My voice is slowly coming back...ever so slowly. The Luo Han Guo really does work wonders - thanks for all the comments in my last post demystifying this curious fruit. I'm drinking cup and cups of the liquid as I type ^_^
I was clearing though photos from last week and came across this one I took Friday night. When Zubair and I kick back for a late night movie, wine and cheese is typically involved.
We settled onto the couch.
"No more alcohol," I pointed at my throat and exaggerated a whisper. We had just come home from an evening at El Quinto Pino and Mayahuel where I failed to obey my doctor's order of sticking only to hot water, hot tea, hot soup, hot (insert non-alcoholic liquid).
The wine disappeared along with him into the kitchen. I heard a beep, some fumbling, and clanking, and then out he came with a tea tray in hand. Tea pot, cups, sugar, and everything! So thoughtful!
Oh, and the cheese, we cannot forget the cheese. A half-pound wonder of Jasper Hill Bayley Hazen Blue. Same type that we brought to the movies two weeks ago. Addicting in the least ;)
Murray's Cheese
254 Bleecker Street
New York, NY 10014
(212) 243-3289
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